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"This is a fantastic work to help you communicate and capture the value that your agency delivers to your customers. "                                        Ron Baker, Host, The Soul of Enterprise at 

   VoiceAmerica Talk Radio



“David Meikle has written the ultimate book for how to strategically source agency services. How to Buy a Gorilla should be on the shelf of every marketing procurement manager – and it should be dog-eared from constant use!”

Gerry Preece. External View Consulting,

former Director of Marketing Procurement

Procter & Gamble


"How to Buy a Gorilla can change the relationship between those who buy and those who sell marketing services...if you let it. Insightful, practical and readable, it's a highly recommended handbook for one of marketing's toughest challenges" 


Mark Earls, Aka HERDmeister, author of 

HERD, I'll Have What She's Having and Copy Copy Copy


“How to Buy a Gorilla provides an insightful and actionable framework to align advertisers' business challenges with the agency talent that can conquer these challenges.


As the pace of change within marketing and advertising continues to accelerate, this provides an invaluable roadmap that can ensure brands get what they really need from their agency partners.”

Mark Evans. Marketing Director,

Direct Line Group


"'What gets measured gets managed'. This belief has led to the current business mania for quantification. However in this timely and enjoyable book, David Meikle has discovered the unintended consequence of this rule: 'what gets mismeasured gets mismanaged.' His observation and suggestions are therefore essential reading not only for people in advertising and marketing, but in any of many businesses where incentives and value-creation have become badly misaligned."

  Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman

Ogilvy Group UK, and TED Speaker


"In an area that's too often full of sound, fury, bitterness and recrimination, David Meikle applies science and sense to the great advertising conundrum; how to produce an idea that will stop people in their tracks and they'll remember for ever?  You would expect D&AD to heartily approve of this, and we do.  It will provide invaluable insight, tools and processes to those with the good sense to read it"

Tim Lindsay. CEO, D&AD


“David Meikle’s “How to Buy a Gorilla" is a refreshingly thoughtful, well informed and entertaining treatise on the eternal triangle of marketing, agency and procurement.  In this it is altogether rarer than Gorillas themselves! Moreover, it provides a clear and actionable framework for all three protagonists to end their “Mexican stand-off” to the ultimate benefit of the brands they serve.”   

Nick Ford, Director Global Client Operations, WPP


"The most comprehensive and convincing explanation for why clients so rarely get the advertising they want. Bravo!"

Blair Enns, Author

 The Win Without Pitching Manifesto


“With his unique three-way perspective, David Meikle explains why the historic stand-off between advertising agencies, marketing and procurement is serving no-one's interests satisfactorily and what needs to change on all sides.


This is essential reading for anyone involved in the buying, managing or creation of advertising.”

Tom Lewis. Finance Director

Institute of Practitioners in Advertising


"For agencies and marketers looking to build higher trust and improve mutual performance, How to Buy a Gorilla builds a convincing case for the interdependent roles of trust and control, incentives and behavior, and risk and reward. Most importantly, David Meikle unpeels the true nature of knowledge work, showing how buyers of marketing services can avoid paying the same price for 'eureka moments' and 'busy fools'.”

Tim Williams. Founding Partner, Ignition Group


“David Meikle argues persuasively that a brand’s ambitiousness and risk profile are strategic considerations, which can also help to refine the alignment of client and agency interests and so improve outcomes for all. It’s about horses for courses – except they’re monkeys.”

David Abrahams, Director – Brand MediationAuthor of

Brand Risk – Adding Risk Literacy to Brand Management

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